Münchner Filmzentrum
Rumänisches Filmfest 2022 / 2


„if trust is reciprocated, all the rest is manageable and attainable“


Judith State in motion:

[ A ]    Acting: Trailer R.M.N.  (Director: Cristian Mungiu) (RUM 2022)

[ B ]    Acting: Trailer Monstri (Monsters)  (Director: Marius Olteanu) (RUM 2019)

[ C ]    Dance: Music video for Dreamology (Director: Marius Olteanu) (2017)

[ D ]    Dance: Magnetic Fields – solo performance  (Choreography: M. Gerardi)

[ Photo: Film poster of SIERANEVADA by Cristi Puiu — State is holding a baby ]


….. Interview with Judith State – Part 2 / 3 …..


[ 5. ] „Sieranevada“ from 2016 by Cristi Puiu was your first acting experience. 
Can you elaborate a bit on how your view on acting and your individual
working methods have changed after having made more than 10 films by now?
Do you approach working on a new role differently nowadays?

[ STATE ] — I strongly believe that the way things turned out for me on this path
have a lot to do with the fact that my first contact with the inside world of cinema
was through and with Cristi Puiu. Not only that he set a very solid foundation for
what my tools were going to shape into, but he also shifted something in the way
I regarded myself in relation with work and the world around me. That was a
huge thing and an encounter that I’m very grateful for.

So, film after film, I get the chance to revisit and deepen the things I’ve learned
through that first yet very powerful experience, and it’s always a luxurious way
of paying more attention to myself, and of testing how much closer I can get
to whatever truths each role encloses.


[ 6. ] You have mainly worked with Romanian and Hungarian directors until now. 
Can you compare the working methods of Cristi Puiu and Cristian Mungiu –
and if so: what the challenges are for you in adapting to various directing styles?

[ STATE ] — The first thought coming to my mind is that they’re the only directors
that I’ve worked with who have the ability and possibility of shooting the same one
take for two days. I felt that they both have a very clear vision and know precisely
what they want and need to achieve, and that they take however long time they
have to in order to get there.

I think that the most challenging aspect in general when working with a director is
the one regarding trust, and as far as I’m concerned, if the trust is reciprocated
all the rest is manageable and attainable.


[ 7. ] Did you ever make the experience that a movie turned out
quite differently from what you had imagined it while shooting?

[ STATE ] — R.M.N. was the only film that I didn’t read the script for, so when
I saw it for the first time, I saw many shots that I had no clue about whatsoever.
This added a lot to the intensity of the viewing.


[ 8. ] Which international directors would you currently like
to work with the most?

[ STATE ] — The first names coming to my mind are Kelly Reichardt and David Lynch.
But as I’m typing others also arrive 🙂



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[ Interview: Idún Zillmann ] — 19.11.2022